Friday, July 22, 2011


Why me! Why me we ask ourselves. God replies why not you? For I (God) give what you can bare. Understand that whatever God gives it only because you’re the one who can bare that load. You’re the one who can bare what he gives you the pain, the brokenness, the hurt, the sickness, the struggles, disappointment, divorce(s), breakups, and failures only you. If someone had one of these for you they wouldn’t know how to handle it that is why God gave them to you.  You may feel like you can’t handle it or them, but God knows you can he only put what you can bear on you. Find your way out. How can I do that? Through prayer, worship, and fasting you can find your way out of these setbacks. Some of these setbacks we have because we either asked for or gave the devil room to enter in. You heard God say no and you said why not Lord. You kept asking over and over again so he granted your wish and showed you that it was not for you but you kept begging him.
 Let me share a little story with you all. I once spoke with a woman who wanted kids so bad she kept asking God repeatedly I want a baby Lord I don’t care from who just gives me a baby please she ask God gave her just that what she asked for but not with the man she wanted. This is what you asked God for. Now her question is Lord Why me? We have to be very careful what we asked the Lord for. If we do we will not be asking why me.
It’s just a mess to see how some people get mad at God and be in church every Sunday, bible study, chorus practice, usher, and other weekly meeting. Why be upset with the Creator of all things. Some upset feeling that God do not hear their cry, so now they feel a need to ask God why me lord? Why? He not just heard your cry but he answered it. To busy asking and not listening to the voice caused you to miss your blessing. He asking why not you what is your reason?

You have asked God for so much, you asked him to comfort you, and to make your new dreams come true. We all know we did not deserve your grace and mercy Lord. Lord again this one time we need your help desperately. We’re desperate for you more than ever before. Show us how to be courageous and how we can keep disaster from us, our family, and our homes. Lord God you know all things. We come asking you for an answer. Where there is weakness Lord grant us wisdom so we may defer to your strength.    

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



Brokenness is painful and difficult. Brokenness is our humble response to God conviction of our sins. Brokenness is often accompanied by emptiness. Sometimes we hear that brokenness is good for us. It makes us sensitive and responsive to the Holy Spirit and gives us spiritual growth. It seems like nothing ever work out for you. You always fail in what you want to accomplish like your school, your family, your singleness, your marriage, and your job. You so broken that really want to give up and quit. Is this you cry today? Have you ever been broken down? If you say no then maybe you never tried anything.

When we start feeling the brokenness in our hearts we then start failing in all things. Brokenness is not a path anyone should desire to follow. Believe that brokenness turn into miracles just keep on trusting in God. Those who plant in tears will harvest shouts of joy (Psalm 126:5). Brokenness then miracles. Brokenness brings a faith miracle, obedience miracle, compassion miracle, trust miracle, and healing miracle. Some of our miracles come from us being broken. THE DEVIL IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy you but thank God we still stand through our brokenness.

When the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all (Psalm 34:17-19).

We all at one point have been broken one way or the other. This possibly was one of the most painful and difficult times in your life. No one like pain, suffering, or feelings of brokenness. Sometimes in life we get so broken because of circumstances that hurt us at times so intensely that we think we will never be heal. We may think this way because we have left an open door for the enemy to enter and it causes our mind to be negative. I can say to you (readers). I have discovered that through being broken however, is that after brokenness we can experience God great miracles. Brokenness gives you spiritual growth, strength, change, and transformation.
Believe it you were broken to be a miracle. To have God best we must be willing to surrender our all to him. David a man after God own heart, his greatest sin was with Bathsheba and the breaking point in his life. That was his sin. What was your sin that caused your brokenness?  Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ can work through me (2Corinthians 12:9)

GOD LOVES US ALL               

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It is possible for you to live your dreams. God say that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). Many times we fail to realize that God has given us the power over many including the devil. He is the source of our life and with him we can do the impossible with the power that he has given us today. Our God is great, wonderful, awsome, forgiving, and loving  he is our all. He said that his children shall have the best. Sometimes we get rejected and allow the enemy to take away what God has given us.

It is or was necessary to go through our hard time to fall down, to be broken and striped so God can teach us to trust in him fully and not in man. It’s possible that if we put God first we’ll never come in second. The thing which are impossible for men are possible with God (Luke 18:27). Don’t stay stuck on the impossible you have to see things in a possible way believe in your heart for it will be possible with God.
As believers of God we need to stay focus and alert,and we need to surround ourselves with people that desire more out of life. Leave those that mean no good to you or your life, God say that he will make the impossible possible for you and I. Wow! Who shall we believe stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes (1Samuel 12:16).  Have you ever thought about wanting to accomplish something in your life and you did not because you kept speaking that it is impossible to do? You heard the voice of God reminding you that you can do all things.  Now some probably thought that it was imposible to be change to who they are today. REMEMBER! He is God the ruler and the only one who can do all things.
·        be made over
·        be renewed
·        be change
·        be made holy
·        cleanse by the blood of Jesus
·        to be forgiven
·        to get a breakthrough
·        achieve your goals
·        to be healed
·        to bind up the enemy
·        to get understanding of God holy word
Everything is possible with God ………………
It’s possible you may have your doubt but it’s all in the bible how God heal the sick, gave sight to the bind, made the lame walk, healed the broken hearted, the woman with the issue of blood, the vexed, the demon poses if he can do all of this and he has given us power then what excuse do we have as his chosen vessel. Is it POSSIBLE OR NOT for us? Do you believe? It’s possible because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. God is real oh yes he is.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Sometimes we are feeling all alone. Sometimes we feel so vulnerable, hurt, discourage, weary, isolated, in darkness, not pleasing, unwanted, sad, decisive, timid, fearful, impatient, broken, misunderstood, guilty, bitterness, violet, angry, rejected, mislead, played, challenge, misused, painful, and even hatred. When you feel these feeling first thing may pop into your mind is Oh God where are you I need you now. You ask God why I am feeling this way this is not who you made me to be. I need you. In the beginning was God. In the end God will still be here. For God (he) is our peace and divine today.

 You know that Adam experienced something that no one has ever experienced. He had God all to himself. In the beginning were just him and God. Adam had God full attention. Can you even imagine if it were just you and God alone?

God is always with us. God never left us we left him and he is still waiting saying child when are you coming back. You’re calling on God asking where are you Lord Say something please I need to hear from you. God is saying to you I have never left you my child. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Where are you God you ask? The question is not God it is where are you ( name    )? Where have you left God? When was the last time you spent quality time alone with God?

Father help us to find our way back to our place of intimacy with you. We desire to feel your presence. We need a touch from you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Don’t count us out yet. Remember growing up or now when you lose a tooth no one wants to be around you they counted you out due to your looks how silly could that be. The creator is not finish with us yet. God our father has purpose for our life that is why we are still here. God is still molding and making us to what he wants us to be. He is the great I am he’s building us up to stand in the midst of it all in the name of Jesus Christ. Fear not, (there is nothing to fear) for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) right hand of righteousness and justice. (Isaiah 41:10)

We try and done our best we know how but others would say it’s not good enough. Don’t count us out. Through the pain in life we will stand, through the hurt we will stand, through the let downs we will stand, through the suffering and struggles we will still stand because we believe that our God say in his I will not leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Don’t ask how we do it, how we manage or how we make it in our life today it’s only through the grace of God. We fall down but thank God we get back up and try harder. Trust in God. Believe and receive the word in obedience. What then shall we say to this? God is for us, who can be against us? Who can be our foe, if God is on our side (Romans 8:31)

In life we know that many who sit and can’t wait for us to mess up or fall. Wow! The thing that bothers some of us is that there is so many in the world and in the church just like you with that evil hatred or jealousy spirit. Who want so much to count us out? Make your time useful with better thing like praying for that someone. Doesn't your life consist of better? Don’t you have your own life to worry about? Why make the ones you counting out so important in your life? Why must you continue to dwell on their good or bad whether they are happy or sad?  Would you like God to count you out? We may not be where you think we should but Please DON’T COUNT US OUT!




Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Have you ever thought about when FPL was created? Have you ever thought about why we can see stars only at night? In the natural I believe we all know that FPL stands for Florida Power Light. This is the light of the world. This is a light that you have to pay for. If this light doesn’t get paid then FPL will come out and discontinue your service and you will be in darkness. Let’s take a look at this. The sun is one the greatest source of light for the day and at night the stars give light.  The Lord spoke and said I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12) He gives us light but men loved darkness because there deeds were evil. Darkness represents evil. Darkness is of Satan realize most evil things happen at night right. The enemy chose to do most at night in the dark hours he gets to play with your mind while you’re sleeping. He then put thoughts into our minds then we get up and start to follow those evil thoughts and put them to work by reacting to them. You see why the light is important to walk in for God is light. In the light there is no darkness. We may choose to walk in FPL light, God light or in darkness. The difference in these lights is that FPL can get turn off for nonpayment, God light is forever, and darkness is not him.  FPL is for Florida FAVOR Power PROSPERITY Light LIFE. DARKNESS or LIGHT which will you choose.
DEMONS                                                OR LIFE
APPOLLYON (king of demons)       OR INSPIRATION
Rimmon(ambassador from hell)             OR  GRACE
Kasdeya ( “Book of Enoch”5th Satan)     OR  HUMBLENESS
Naberius (strong demon in charge)        OR  TRUST
Eurynome (Prince of death)                             
Samael (Demon of angel of death)                 
Sonneillon (Demon of hatred)   
In darkness you see no way out but in the light God is the way.
In darkness you see the devil but in the light you see God blessings.
In darkness you see sickness but in God you see healings.
In darkness you see destruction but in God you see miracles.
In darkness you see poverty but in God you see richness.
In darkness you see the natural sin but in God you see the supernatural.
In darkness you see death but in God you have life.
God saw that the light was good and he separated the light from darkness. (Genesis 1:4)

FPL was born in the final day of 1925. When Florida was experiencing the greatest land boom the nation had seen. December 28, 1925 was American Power Light purchased the properties that were consolidated to form FPL. In that time 76,000 electric gas customer accounts serving 58 communities.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why Be Discourage

Sometimes we get discourage because of other people negativity toward us.
Sometimes our own family causes discouragements by putting us down.
I learned as a parent you have to make the best of life for you and your family.
Every time you get down or discourage all you here is it will be alright, and you wonder when.
The question is how you can be encouraged when you’re so far in discouragement to the point that you know God is here but you don’t feel him?    
God understands all things.  No matter what happened in your past or your present situation God is interested in you when no one else is. He cares all about you. He wants you to have the best in your life.
The lord says Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12)
Whatever you do don’t get discourage or feel sorry for you. We all make mistakes in life we are not perfect. Have you ever thought about if we were made perfect then why would we need our Lord Jesus Christ? What cause us to be discouraged are our failures, frustration, fear, and fatigue. These may at times cause you to find a solution or should I say a quick fix whether than the true solution to the problem.  As a person we all need to feel good about ourselves at all times. Not feeling good about ourselves causes anxiety which we try to avoid. What does God say to us about this? He said Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance, and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continues to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your heart and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). I once heard someone say don’t talk about your problem talk to your problem. It makes sense now when you’re going through with problem to talk to them and let it be known that it will not last forever.  Decree what you want from God and he will make it happen in the name of Jesus.

You have made it this far. God will not leave you now. He is here and will always be with you forever. Find the courage to go on you will make it through

The more you try to do things of your choice the greater chance of failing, but with God the greater your chances are of succeeding.

Friday, July 08, 2011


Encourage yourself may at times be very impossible to do. In life you are not going to have people around to always encourage you. Even through the rough times you have to press and encourage yourself speak life over yourself. Don’t let people get you down because of your mistakes or your past. It’s the devil job to kill, steal, and destroy that is why he brings certain people around you. The devil knows what you like and he will use it to destroy you or your mind. I learned from my mentor that the enemy gives us thought and he sit and wait for us to dwell on them. Pay attention to the future not the past. Encourage yourself so that God can move in your life. Sometimes we get a little discourage in our life. We get discourage due to lack of faith, sorrowful, disobedience, wrong doing, anger, depression, feeling unwanted, unworthy, not good enough, letting the devil enter in our mind or our own sins. He will not fail become weak or be crushed and discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the island and coastal regions shall wait hopefully for Him and expect His direction and law.(Isaiah 42:4)  We shall not be broken in spirit or be discourage. Discouragement has you thinking so negative against everything. It kills you in the inside and when this happen it then becomes really hard to encourage yourself or maybe it just hard because you’re hurting, dealing with pain, hatred, and/or bitterness and you just do not know what to do. The word of God says call upon me in troubled time. In my distress I called upon the Lord; I cried to my God for help.  From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.(Psalm 18:6) There are times when God will use you to encourage others and really you’re encouraging yourself. Encourage yourself breaks down the walls, it builds your faith, heal wounds, and to bring hope to you and others.


Thursday, July 07, 2011


If you constantly complain you release failure into your life.
If you constantly say your broke then you will never have.
If you constantly say I can’t do then your accomplishment will never be succeed.
If you constantly think about dying your life becomes dead.
If you constantly praise God then he will continue to bless you.
If you constantly have hope for people you will learn to Help Other People Excel.
If you constantly give in you’ll then be compromising.
If you constantly believe then you will achieve.
If you constantly see yourself passing the test then you’ll have a testimony.
If you constantly press your way he’ll take you through the mess.
If you constantly give your time to the word then you’ll give action to the word.
If you constantly committee yourself to God word then fear and doubt will be drown out.
If you constantly think small then you receive small.
If you constantly think big then you receive big.

GOD LOVES US ALL                                                           Ciana

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

How you live makes the difference

t makes a difference on how you live life. There are only two choices in life and that is life or death, the devil or God. Do you remember the day you made the choice to give your life to Christ the Lord and savior over your life? Do you remember the feeling and excitement you had?  You already made the difference by choosing God. If you notice things going wrong and not your way just realize the enemy wanted you to choose him. We are God children and because we are chosen and we know who we serve we have to be very careful how we choose to live. You may think no one see you when you do the ungodly People may not see you but God see everything for he is our creator. And now just as you accept Christ Jesus as you Lord, you must continue to follow him (Colossians 2:6).
Society tells us life is short. Life is a choice and every day we choose to do the things that we want to do. Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, Since I live you also live (John 14:19). Is not our God awesome? That is amazing because he live we also live that is the greatest blessing ever. That is enough to show us that he love us enough to give us life more abundantly. Who else would do that for us? No one at all can give life we were in our mother’s womb but without God touch we would not be here.

GOD LOVES US ALL                           Ciana

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

God hears the Children

                                         I pray for you and you pray for me.
   We know that God hears all baby, infant, toddlers, preteens, teenagers then young adult (speaking about children) and he also understand them better. It is very critical to teach our kids to pray so it will become a habit in their life. How can I teach my child or children to pray? Prayer is just as they talk to one another there is no specific way for them to pray. They can stand, sit, lifting up their hands or kneeling. There is never an inappropriate way for our children to pray as long as their comfortable they can pray wherever and whenever. God loves the little children. As a parent trying to teach our children to pray it first has to be a priority in our life children tend to do what they see their parents do. If they are raised up seeing their parents pray then it would not be hard for them to do.  The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29).
      Let me share a story with you on how God move within our children.  The power of prayer is in our children also. Once upon a time my youngest daughter saw me taken a pill one day she was about three years at the time.  She look and said mom don’t take that mom it’s no good I looked and replied the doctor gave this to me to feel better. With the expression that was on her face she got closer to me and said mommy God only can heal you now let me pray for you mommy.  Then she put her little hands on my forehead and begins to pray in her baby voice when she finish she said now say Amen! Mommy. I did not understand the prayer but God did and that’s all that mattered. I thought that was funny but she is now nine years old and I no longer take those pills anymore in Jesus name.  I give God all the praise.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
I believe that we can start by training them to pray, believe and trust in God. Our children will eventually have to learn from their own choices, decision, and mistakes in life as they grow and become adults. 

IMPORTANT lets do what God say do TRAIN THEM UP 

GOD LOVES US ALL                                                                       Ciana     

Monday, July 04, 2011

Don’t let your denial hold up your blessing

Where we are now is not where we should be. Your denial causes many blessing to be held up. Negative thoughts, word and talk held up your blessing. Why pray if you don’t believe or have faith about what you pray. A lot of times when we fail testes in life it’s because we start doubting self and then we become with little or no faith. You have to speak into existence what you want from God even if you don’t see it believe it. I truly believe in decreeing a thing and it shall be. The word God say you have not cause you ask not------ You have to have an expectation that the blessing is already here.  But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1Timothy 5:8). Where is your faith! God is interested in unity, in oneness.

All of God word and scripture gives us the instruction of life so we won’t be in denial.
  •      We as believers need to get out of denial
  •      We as believers must humble ourselves
  •     We must have faith to believe that we have forgiveness from our father God.

A blessing can be taken because of our denial and unbelief. When a blessing is given to us from God you are the only one who can shut the door to the blessing that was given because of your denial and your little faith. Have you ever thought about what a blessing is? My ,my, my,  A Blessing is the empowered like a curse, because once it is spoken, the word that is or was spoken out is sitting in motion. It will eventually come to pass someday. God word does not come back void. God people need to just wait patiently on him.
STOP! No More Denial and No more Excuses!

Sometimes it is the smallest things you don’t think of that stops your blessing.  Anger, bitterness, forgiveness, disobedient, lust, bad attitude, ungodly thoughts and reject Wow just naming a few. PLEASE don’t all these to hinder your blessing from God. DON’T let you Denial hold up your BLESSING!

Thank God that our denial is not our delay.

GOD LOVE US ALL                Ciana

Saturday, July 02, 2011


   Sometimes it hurt! It hurt when no one understands because they can’t feel the pain that you’re going through. It hurt when you're a child of God but doesn't feel his presence. Once upon a time you use to feel God and know you don't. Where have you left God? What really hurt is that you cannot even explain your pain to no one, but guess what you got God and he knows already he just wants you to confess and he will help you just call on him in times of trouble. It hurt when you feel unloved, unwanted, not good enough, and your self-esteem is low. How can you love others when you don't love yourself? How can we forgive others if we can't forgive our self. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the Gentiles shall seek Him, And his resting place shall be glorious."(Isaiah 11:9)  Church folks hurt sometimes as well.  When I was a little girl I use to think that church people didn't hurt like normal people. I thought they had it all together but we know that God is always with us a tall times. We attend church Sunday after Sunday and still we do not feel his presence. Hurt is the regrets of life, the downfalls of life, the mistakes, the sins, the choices and the bad decisions that we have made. Lord God help someone that is hurting now out of darkness they can't see a way out for you are God the way maker put them into your marvelous light. Father lead and guide us. Teach us how to praise our way out. The blessing is in our praise. The praises of the lord goes up and the blessing comes down. Tell God all about it for he is the only one who can lift your heavy burden and remove the shackles. It hurt when people see more in us then we see in our self. When you hurt and can't speak to no one please call upon the father and he will help you. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him my salvation. (Psalm 91:15-16)

Friday, July 01, 2011


People always say that life is what you make. What is life to you? Life is what some choose to live in because you have life you can face tomorrow. Don’t give up so quickly. Don’t let your past or present mistake cause you to give up. No one living this earth and time is perfect. We all make mistake they may be different but they are all still mistakes. In life we all go through tough times me, you, mother, father, aunt, sister, brother, grand parent, and cousins we all go through. Sometimes seem like everything gets so rough like there no hope or no way out. Go is our way maker in times of a storm. There is a reason why we go through what we go through, but it just might be that God is allowing you to go through this for a strengthenreason.
Do you ever feel like you’re alone no one to go to for help? Do you see you or someone eating more or less, always crying out, always looking angry, and sad? Always mumbling about what they hate in themselves and always putting all the blame on them. These are some ways to tell if someone want to give up there’s so many other ways this is just some. You may not feel the presences of God but he is with you in the midst of it all. At time you may feel like you can’t handle it anymore. You’re stress out and there is no one to call on or to help you. Look at this no matter how young or old you are never give up. Jesus already died for all our sins. You only have one life to live in this earthly realm so just live it to the fullest and make the best of it by doing what’s right. Your life will never be complete if you give up. In order to complete your life you must have God with you. When dealing with a dead situation, depression, loss, anger guilt, disappointment, ungodly lifestyles, and loneliness. Don’t give up on God that when you need him the most. So what they the nay sayer, the enemy, and the devil talk about you. Our God open doors in our life that no man can shut. Behind every open door is our father and every shut door is a man. Which door will you go through? The open door you walk right into your blessing. The shut door you have to stop and turn the knob push it then walk through why go through all that when God has one all you have to do is walk in. The word of God says and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Galatians 6:9).
The deliverance of your expectation greets you, and you’re overwhelmed by the faithfulness of God. What are the things that have caused you to grow weary in your faith? DON”T GIVE UP! PLEASE DON”T GIVE UP!
GOD LOVE US ALL  _________________ Ciana

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nobody mad but the devil

       Growing up I learn that the devil was one of God angel. He rebel against God and was kicked out of Heaven. He (devil) was jealous of God position and wanted to take his place which he could not. We need to realize as God children Satan goals are still the same and he is still trying. Look if the devil is not afraid of God then who are we to be afraid of (devil) him. In reality if we ever get kick out of someone home we dare not return we will be to shameful to return ever again. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came among them (JOB 1:6).  Does he not know who God is? Nobody mad but the devil and that's why he try so hard to get you. Now if the devil rebel against God and he sent him to hell. WOW! What if the LORD sent us to hell for being rebellious against him? Thats why we get up thank God for his son Jesus Christ who died for our sins his only begotten son. Amazing who do we know that will die for our sin? Who will take all those whips and bruises for us? Noboby loves us that much to do this for us but the son of God. Thank God that we can go to him for repentance and forgiveness. Satan the father of lies,devourer, evil, Lucifier, Apollyon (destroyer), beast, bellzebub (the ruler of demons), deciever, and enemy who in their right mind would want to serve someone like that.
       Right about now the devil is flippin because he just lost one as we speak. Now I know that I know who I am and who I serve. I no longer afraid of the enemy. As believers we need to let the devil no who we are. On a daily basis we need to bind up the devil and his work,and confusion from our lives. STOP! STOP! STOP! saying the devil made me do it. Who will you believe? Who will you choose GOD or SATAN?
Fear not for GOD is always with you. He has given us authority over many so let put it to work.

The devil see you when your praying and when your praising God, he see when you are prostrating before the LORD and he sees when you are on your knees  worshiping God   that's why he get so upset and try to find a way to destroy you. He does not like when you do the things of God. Ain't nobody mad but the devil say whoosh and I like it like that(in my singing voice). We have to stay prayed up to keep the enemy away from us and our family. When we began to pray we pray to pull down every stronghold,we pray to do destruction, we pray to get back all that the devil has taken from us and we pray to get a breakthrough. It's so sad how the devil want us and so dumb how he doesn't realize its to late cause he no longer stand a chance anymore in our lives. We are know followers of God, we are worshipper, we are winners, we are readers of the word, we are missionary, we are god chosen vessels, we are evangelist, and God disciples.

Todays word:  Sometimes we are negative towards ourself. Right now you may not have what you want but you have life, It may seems like your back is against the wall and everything going wrong and you don't see a way  but god will make a way.Lets change our word today begin to speak how we want to see it in a positive way, REMEMBER what you speak is what you recieve,So lets start brand new.

God Love Us All                      Ciana