Why me! Why me we ask ourselves. God replies why not you? For I (God) give what you can bare. Understand that whatever God gives it only because you’re the one who can bare that load. You’re the one who can bare what he gives you the pain, the brokenness, the hurt, the sickness, the struggles, disappointment, divorce(s), breakups, and failures only you. If someone had one of these for you they wouldn’t know how to handle it that is why God gave them to you. You may feel like you can’t handle it or them, but God knows you can he only put what you can bear on you. Find your way out. How can I do that? Through prayer, worship, and fasting you can find your way out of these setbacks. Some of these setbacks we have because we either asked for or gave the devil room to enter in. You heard God say no and you said why not Lord. You kept asking over and over again so he granted your wish and showed you that it was not for you but you kept begging him.
Let me share a little story with you all. I once spoke with a woman who wanted kids so bad she kept asking God repeatedly I want a baby Lord I don’t care from who just gives me a baby please she ask God gave her just that what she asked for but not with the man she wanted. This is what you asked God for. Now her question is Lord Why me? We have to be very careful what we asked the Lord for. If we do we will not be asking why me.
It’s just a mess to see how some people get mad at God and be in church every Sunday, bible study, chorus practice, usher, and other weekly meeting. Why be upset with the Creator of all things. Some upset feeling that God do not hear their cry, so now they feel a need to ask God why me lord? Why? He not just heard your cry but he answered it. To busy asking and not listening to the voice caused you to miss your blessing. He asking why not you what is your reason?
You have asked God for so much, you asked him to comfort you, and to make your new dreams come true. We all know we did not deserve your grace and mercy Lord. Lord again this one time we need your help desperately. We’re desperate for you more than ever before. Show us how to be courageous and how we can keep disaster from us, our family, and our homes. Lord God you know all things. We come asking you for an answer. Where there is weakness Lord grant us wisdom so we may defer to your strength.