Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nobody mad but the devil

       Growing up I learn that the devil was one of God angel. He rebel against God and was kicked out of Heaven. He (devil) was jealous of God position and wanted to take his place which he could not. We need to realize as God children Satan goals are still the same and he is still trying. Look if the devil is not afraid of God then who are we to be afraid of (devil) him. In reality if we ever get kick out of someone home we dare not return we will be to shameful to return ever again. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came among them (JOB 1:6).  Does he not know who God is? Nobody mad but the devil and that's why he try so hard to get you. Now if the devil rebel against God and he sent him to hell. WOW! What if the LORD sent us to hell for being rebellious against him? Thats why we get up thank God for his son Jesus Christ who died for our sins his only begotten son. Amazing who do we know that will die for our sin? Who will take all those whips and bruises for us? Noboby loves us that much to do this for us but the son of God. Thank God that we can go to him for repentance and forgiveness. Satan the father of lies,devourer, evil, Lucifier, Apollyon (destroyer), beast, bellzebub (the ruler of demons), deciever, and enemy who in their right mind would want to serve someone like that.
       Right about now the devil is flippin because he just lost one as we speak. Now I know that I know who I am and who I serve. I no longer afraid of the enemy. As believers we need to let the devil no who we are. On a daily basis we need to bind up the devil and his work,and confusion from our lives. STOP! STOP! STOP! saying the devil made me do it. Who will you believe? Who will you choose GOD or SATAN?
Fear not for GOD is always with you. He has given us authority over many so let put it to work.

The devil see you when your praying and when your praising God, he see when you are prostrating before the LORD and he sees when you are on your knees  worshiping God   that's why he get so upset and try to find a way to destroy you. He does not like when you do the things of God. Ain't nobody mad but the devil say whoosh and I like it like that(in my singing voice). We have to stay prayed up to keep the enemy away from us and our family. When we began to pray we pray to pull down every stronghold,we pray to do destruction, we pray to get back all that the devil has taken from us and we pray to get a breakthrough. It's so sad how the devil want us and so dumb how he doesn't realize its to late cause he no longer stand a chance anymore in our lives. We are know followers of God, we are worshipper, we are winners, we are readers of the word, we are missionary, we are god chosen vessels, we are evangelist, and God disciples.

Todays word:  Sometimes we are negative towards ourself. Right now you may not have what you want but you have life, It may seems like your back is against the wall and everything going wrong and you don't see a way  but god will make a way.Lets change our word today begin to speak how we want to see it in a positive way, REMEMBER what you speak is what you recieve,So lets start brand new.

God Love Us All                      Ciana

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