It causes many sadness, disappointment, grief, regrets,and pain. Many came with their negative emotions that they were experiencing through this painful time. I know it easy to say but as christian we need to know that when someone is save and they die that they are going to a better place where there is no more pain, no more worries, and no more diseases.We should rejoice for them but, we never do. I sent him therefore the more careful, that when you see him again , you may rejoice, and that I maybe less sorrowful. (Philippians 2:28). If you believe you will see them again someday. One thing I must say don't try to understand sorrow everything happens for a reason and we still have to keep our heads up and look up to the hills of the mountain.
What can we do about our sorrows? First call on our father God and remind him Lord I am weak and in pain we need you to give us all strength on this. It takes time to ease the pain of a lost love. We take deep breath and exhale hoping and imagine that the pain would leave.
How do we deal with sorrow? The world deals with their sorrow through drinking, smoking, and dangerous acts.(wrong thing to do ) and on the other hand as believers we need to continue to call on God for help. God will carry you through in the midst of it all.
Please don't be discourage and don't ever doubt cause God has a way of working thing out in your favor. Don't give up or quit on life always think positive and always smile. remember God can ease your sorrow and take away your pain.
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