Sometimes we get discourage because of other people negativity toward us.
Sometimes our own family causes discouragements by putting us down.
I learned as a parent you have to make the best of life for you and your family.
Every time you get down or discourage all you here is it will be alright, and you wonder when.
The question is how you can be encouraged when you’re so far in discouragement to the point that you know God is here but you don’t feel him?
God understands all things. No matter what happened in your past or your present situation God is interested in you when no one else is. He cares all about you. He wants you to have the best in your life.
The lord says Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12)
Whatever you do don’t get discourage or feel sorry for you. We all make mistakes in life we are not perfect. Have you ever thought about if we were made perfect then why would we need our Lord Jesus Christ? What cause us to be discouraged are our failures, frustration, fear, and fatigue. These may at times cause you to find a solution or should I say a quick fix whether than the true solution to the problem. As a person we all need to feel good about ourselves at all times. Not feeling good about ourselves causes anxiety which we try to avoid. What does God say to us about this? He said Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance, and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continues to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your heart and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). I once heard someone say don’t talk about your problem talk to your problem. It makes sense now when you’re going through with problem to talk to them and let it be known that it will not last forever. Decree what you want from God and he will make it happen in the name of Jesus.
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