Monday, July 04, 2011

Don’t let your denial hold up your blessing

Where we are now is not where we should be. Your denial causes many blessing to be held up. Negative thoughts, word and talk held up your blessing. Why pray if you don’t believe or have faith about what you pray. A lot of times when we fail testes in life it’s because we start doubting self and then we become with little or no faith. You have to speak into existence what you want from God even if you don’t see it believe it. I truly believe in decreeing a thing and it shall be. The word God say you have not cause you ask not------ You have to have an expectation that the blessing is already here.  But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1Timothy 5:8). Where is your faith! God is interested in unity, in oneness.

All of God word and scripture gives us the instruction of life so we won’t be in denial.
  •      We as believers need to get out of denial
  •      We as believers must humble ourselves
  •     We must have faith to believe that we have forgiveness from our father God.

A blessing can be taken because of our denial and unbelief. When a blessing is given to us from God you are the only one who can shut the door to the blessing that was given because of your denial and your little faith. Have you ever thought about what a blessing is? My ,my, my,  A Blessing is the empowered like a curse, because once it is spoken, the word that is or was spoken out is sitting in motion. It will eventually come to pass someday. God word does not come back void. God people need to just wait patiently on him.
STOP! No More Denial and No more Excuses!

Sometimes it is the smallest things you don’t think of that stops your blessing.  Anger, bitterness, forgiveness, disobedient, lust, bad attitude, ungodly thoughts and reject Wow just naming a few. PLEASE don’t all these to hinder your blessing from God. DON’T let you Denial hold up your BLESSING!

Thank God that our denial is not our delay.

GOD LOVE US ALL                Ciana

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